Budget Protection for Correctional Facilities
Catastrophic Inmate Medical Insurance helps sheriffs, counties, and local municipalities financially prepare for the uncertainties of funding medical care for an increasingly sick indigent population.
This unique policy will reimburse the costly hospitalizations that were not factored into your annual medical budget, such as a brain surgery, hip replacement, outpatient dialysis treatment, and more.

Eligible Expenses
Inpatient Hospital Services
Outpatient Hospital Services
Physician Services
Outpatient Diagnostic X-ray and Labs
Emergency Room
Prescription Drugs (inpatient only)
Ambulance Services
Medical Services and Supplies
Coverage Highlights
Minimum Inmate Count: 2*
Deductible as low as $1,000 per inmate*
Coverage maximum of $250,000 per inmate
$1,000,000 policy aggregate
Coverage based on 12-month policy period
*Eligibility requirements vary by state​
Included Benefits
No pre-existing condition exclusions
Pregnancy (inmate only)
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Inpatient Benefit*
Optional Benefits
Prior-to-Booking / In-pursuit
Security & Guarding Reimbursement
Dental Services

Claim Examples

Frequently Asked uestions

Q: How much does it cost?
Rates are calculated on a per inmate per month basis and vary based on your average monthly inmate population, claims history, negotiated discounts with local medical providers, deductibles, and desired coverage.
Q: Is this a standard health insurance plan or is it for catastrophic losses only?
A: This coverage is intended for catastrophic medical expenses that exceed the county’s annual inmate
medical budget; however, all eligible medical expenses count towards the specific per inmate deductible.
Q: Why should we buy this coverage rather than self-insure?
A: Even at Medicaid or Medicare rates, a lengthy hospitalization - let alone two or three in the same
fiscal year - can drain years of surplus and result in a budget deficit.
Q: Does an inmate's deductible reset to $0.00 each time an inmate goes to the hospital?
A: Each inmate has a specific deductible that must be met once per policy period. All eligible medical expenses accumulate toward the per-inmate deductible regardless of how often an inmate is taken to the ER, admitted to the hospital, or released on their own recognizance and taken back into custody.
Q: Will this policy pay the provider directly or do I get reimbursed after I have paid the provider?
A: The policy will reimburse you. Once paid expenses exceed the per inmate deductible, a claim can be submitted electronically and reviewed for reimbursement. Eligible claims are typically reimbursed within 30 days unless additional information is required. Funds can be provided electronically (ACH) or by check.
Q: This isn't a major concern because we work with the courts to release the inmate on their own recognizance.
A: Releasing an inmate on their own recognizance may not be possible, depending on the nature of the charges and if the individual poses a serious risk to public safety. In addition, you could be entangled in costly litigation if it appears the inmate was released primarily to avoid paying their medical bills.
Client Testimonials
“One heart attack can cost $50k-$80k in hospital expenses, so I saw the need to protect the County from a catastrophic event or illness.”
- Sheriff, FL County
"Insurance agents call this inmate medical insurance; I call it budget protection for our taxpayers.
- Risk Manager, FL County
"Having this insurance is an example of good stewardship of county resources, and it allows us to budget more accurately."
- Jail Administrator, NC County

Dan Lancaster
Account Executive
Sales, Marketing, Policy Management
Phone: 850-545-3855
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