The Story of FPHASIF - The Insurer of Florida's Housing Authorities
After the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons, the insurance market for public housing authorities tightened and did so dramatically. Concerned that this situation could occur again in the future, the Florida Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (FAHRO) initiated the development of an insurance mechanism to serve the specific insurance needs of their members. The Florida Public Housing Authority Self Insurance Fund (FPHASIF) was formed early in 2008 with five (5) founding members. Currently, FPHASIF is successfully insuring over a billion dollars of property values on behalf of FAHRO members throughout Florida and providing those members with an insurance solution for all of their properties including tax credit properties. FPHASIF added the casualty lines for liability, auto, and Public Official in 2013, and continues to expand the coverage offerings to meet the needs of participating members.
FPHASIF is managed by members of housing authorities, for housing authorities, and our mission is to ensure stable and sustainable rates over the long haul, without a profit motive. By working together, with good risk management and sound decision-making, we can stop the volatility of the market for your agency so that you can rest easy, knowing you are getting the best deal you can on a quality product.
Benefits of FPHASIF
Owned and controlled by its members – It is your program and your decision therefore profits are owned by its members.
Rates are actuarially sound and stable – FPHASIF is able to maintain the stability of costs over time so that members are not subject to the whims of insurance industry fluctuations.
Provides broad coverage at competitive pricing – FPHASIF can offer coverage to members regardless of location within Florida.
Holds a HUD Procurement Waiver for all lines of coverage – This provides a time and money-saving benefit for the members.
Claim service is responsive and there when you need it – FPHASIF makes sure that all claims are handled to the members’ satisfaction on an expedient basis.
For additional information, visit the FPHASIF website